Please only make dubs in real time for me.
For cassette tapes, I use
Maxell or TDK tapes. Please don't send me anything other than Maxell or TDK. If you don't have any Maxell
or TDK tapes in your area, I'm sure we can work out something.
If you have never traded
with me before, please send out the tapes I request FIRST. Then,
I will send out the tapes you requested
when I get yours in the mail. This rule is in place only because there are dishonest traders out there. Please do not take this personally.
I would be another one of those
no cassette case traders. Please don't
send me the cassette case. You keep yours and I will keep mine. I do this because, this saves on shipping.
Since I do not accept cassette
cases, please make sure you ship the tapes in padded mailers. That makes sure the cassette or cassettes don't get broken in the mail.
Please use new
cassettes when you send me airchecks. If you send me used ones, that means one of two things:
1) You don't care
2) The tape will not last as long
as a new one would
When you do a trade with me, please
write down the station info on a label and stick it to the tape. I will do the same with the tape or tapes you request unless you tell me otherwise.
Please include the following on
the label:
Call Sign, DJ, Month date and year
(xx-xx-xx) and any special info (if room)
Example: Station's last day, stations
first day, etc.
If you'd like to trade with me, please email me at: